Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Miscellaneous fun

So yeah, we haven't updated this in a long time, we know. We'll try to do better in the future. Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks. We've gone to Maquoketa quite a few times lately and were able to see quite a few friends and family. Check out how little Max looks compared to his grandpa Ronnie's hand. We think Max is getting so big! Recently we have started to feed Max some real food, and he's found that he likes bananas and sweet potatoes so far. He's enjoying a spoon full of banana here, yeah he really does like them, Yum! Bouck and grandpa J went on a tractor ride and of course we had to get some with Max sitting on the old John Deere A's. We were surprised to find out that Max's papa John thought that he needed a dirt bike for the farm. Max was pretty excited about it and thought he could take it for a spin, his mom had other ideas. Maybe when he gets a little bit bigger. Finally we attended Max's cousin Brody's first birthday party on Sunday and the kids had a fun time in their pool. Here is one of Max and Olivia.
Love, Erik, Tara and the motorcycle stuntman Max

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Max the swimmer

Well not quite, but we did get him one of those plastic pools for the back yard. He seems to like it well enough as long as we fill it up in the morning and let the sun warm the water up by the afternoon. Of course he has all the gear to go along with the pool (check out the sweet Australian Outback hat that his mom got him!) He even talked his mom and dad into getting in with him for a while. Here are a couple of pictures of him splashing around.

Next up, pictures of him in his new Exer-saucer. We are also working on getting a video camera, you guys have got to hear his laugh! Talk to you all soon.

Love, Erik, Tara and the Swimmer Max